YNSaleh Inc. was founded to provide industry and academia easy and cost effective access to high-end precision equipment.  Among these, vacuum deposition systems were of high demand both in nanotechnology industry and solid-state university research.

ABOUT Yanikan Saleh

Our products go through rigorous testing procedures to assure the highest quality possible.  We continuously improve our testing techniques by soliciting feedback from our costumers.

Industrial equipment

Vacuum system deposition has become an integral production part of many industries.  By depositing a thin layer of various materials on different objects their quality and performance improves drastically.  Anti scratch and anticorrosive properties of the surfaces are of much demand in various industries while a wide range of color possibilities add to their popularity.


Research equipment

University laboratories working in solid-state physics, electronics and nanotechnology are in constant need of vacuum deposition systems.  Various deposition techniques are used in depositing high quality material for optical, electrical and mechanical purposes.

The presence of Yarhnikan Saleh at the exhibition

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